Building Your Brand: How to Become a Household Name Without Scaring the Kids

What’s in a Brand?

The swoosh, the golden arches, the Monopoly guy. I just started a post with an incomplete sentence but that’s not what’s magical about this moment. The magic lies in the name recognition. I am willing to bet that you not only know the company brands i am referring to, but you instantly had picture perfect mental image of their brand logos in your head. The marketing gurus at companies like Nike and McDonalds have spent billions upon billions of dollars to help bring you warm and fuzzies every time you see or hear their name. Marketing is hard work, but that doesn’t mean the little guys in the small business world can’t make a place for themselves. And it all starts with a strong brand.

But I’m Just a Simple Small Business

Just because you are a Mom and Pop shop that sells delicious homemade jams and possibly even jellies doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put time and effort into establishing a brand. Lets face it, lots of people sell jam. But if you can create an image that sets you apart, say a giant jar with an enormous grin, people are going to remember that and want to come to you just on that fact alone. They know you. They remember the smile that was brought to their face when they were greeted by the life sized mason jar with a happy face when they visited your green market stand. Get creative, think outside of the box. Do some recon work on your market competition. Find something that will set you apart that people can relate to. Small internet start up MailChimp has made a huge name for itself. Not only for its awesome service, but for the lovable little chimp they call their mascot. I’m not saying you need a cute animal to set you apart…….but it wouldn’t hurt.

But I Already Have a Cute Jellyfish for My Brand….Now What?

Jellyfish you say? Hmmmmm…well…I like it but will your market appreciate your transparent, free-swimming, planktonic carnivore friend? Branding can make or break you. You need to be wise in your selection. Make sure you understand your target audience. So you have chosen a Jellyfish, but if your target audience calls their home the Sahara Desert it’s probably not going to go over so well.
Case in point. I am proud to take this moment to allow Dropkick Digital’s original mascot to live on once more. Ladies and geneltman i give you the Luchador!

I know what you’re thinking. Its AWESOME! Yeah I know. But what i didn’t know is a lot of people would love this guy, but many more were terrified. It turns out the younger crowd knew what this was and loved every bit of it. However, the older crowd didn’t know what a Luchador was and some people even said it scared them. So even though it went well with the “Dropkick” theme…we had to scrap it for something a litte less threatening.

So What’s the Moral of this Branding Building Story?

In a nut shell, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Make sure you understand your audience. Once you know who your targeting get out side of the box, or fence, or can…whatever it is you are not outside of. Simply stated…Get creative. Pick something that’s impossible to forget but inviting enough to keep customers coming back. In other words don’t chose a Mexican Wrestler in a suit and tie unless you are selling discount hit man Insurance!

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